Mucking around at the beginning and the end with Sylvain Sailly, 2017

Spareroom, Vancouver, Curated by Sungpil Yoon. Photo credit: Dennis Ha


10/10/2017 The Machinist screening by Sungpil Yoon, featuring a performance by Sylvain Sailly and a lobby musical performance by Ellis Sam and Julian Hou involving corn, crows, and haybales.

Memory Tamer, “Hank” from Burcu’s Angels, sewn bonnet and medical robe, tape and scotch tape, wood dowel, plastic joints, temporary tattoo “Playa”, 2017

Shelter (Instructor - Comic Strips), excerpt, 3 double sided ink-jet prints on opaque vellum paper, 2017

Shelter (Instructor - Screencast 1), 2:39 single channel video, 2017